
Why should mobile operators – and the wider ecosystem of vendors, integrators and researchers – join the NGMN Alliance?

Why should mobile operators – and the wider ecosystem of vendors, integrators and researchers – join the NGMN Alliance?

Find out from our CEO Anita Döhler who talked to Rafael A. J. and TeleSemana.com at MWC Barcelona about NGMN’s primary messages and the significance of global collaboration to the progress of the industry. She also outlined the two essential operator publications: the 6G Position Statement and the Cloud Native Manifesto – a route to cloud native networks built on the needs of operators for enabling greater efficiency in operations and faster time to market for new services.

Anita talks about the challenges of disaggregated networks, how NGMN is focused on strategies to reduce carbon footprints and what’s coming next with 6G.

Watch the interview here.

Find out more about the Cloud Native Manifesto.

Find out more about the 6G Position Statement.

We invite interested industry players to join our endeavour.