NGMN provides key recommendations and a roadmap for Mobile Network Energy Savings
Frankfurt, Germany, 10 October 2023. Today the NGMN Alliance (NGMN) delivered the next publication: ”Green Future Networks: Network Energy Efficiency Phase 2” providing the industry with key
recommendations and a roadmap for reducing the energy consumption of mobile networks.
“Reducing the energy consumption of mobile networks is an important contributor to our journey to become net-zero and recently it has become a focus of the industry due to increased energy costs,” said Arash Ashouriha, Chairman of the NGMN Alliance Board and SVP Group Technology at Deutsche Telekom. “Since 2020 NGMN has contributed guidance on Green Future Networks. Our continuous efforts at NGMN are an important step in enabling operators and suppliers to identify practical and immediate ways to reduce network energy consumption,” he added.
“Our journey to become net-zero is of utmost importance and reducing the energy footprint of our networks is a crucial step in achieving this goal. By maximizing energy efficiency, utilizing renewable energy sources, and implementing energy management solutions, we can continue to deliver high-quality mobile services while meeting our sustainability targets,” stated Laurent Leboucher, Member of the NGMN Alliance Board, Group CTO and SVP Orange Innovation Networks at Orange.
This latest NGMN publication outlines and prioritises various options available to the industry to increase network energy efficiency. Energy saving approaches are organised into three broad categories and time-horizons: process optimisations – short-term; engineering optimisations – medium-term; and new technologies – long-term. Results highlight that it is possible – in the short-term – to reduce energy consumption by up to 10% by optimally configuring networks using existing power saving features. A table of recommended prioritised energy saving approaches is included in this publication. NGMN continues its work in this important area with further collaborative efforts focusing on energy management, metering and providing recommendations on the long-term energy roadmap for the industry.
“NGMN’s vision is to provide impactful and timely guidance to the industry”, said Anita Doehler, CEO at NGMN Alliance. “With the publication of Network Energy Efficiency Phase 2, we implement that vision. We provide prioritised energy saving recommendations addressing both; the immediate-term and the long-term roles that new processes, energy saving features and technologies will play in minimising the energy consumption of mobile networks,” she added
The publication can be downloaded here.
About NGMN
NGMN is a forum founded by world-leading Mobile Network Operators and open to all Partners in the mobile industry. Its goal is to ensure that next generation network infrastructure, service platforms and devices will meet the requirements of operators and ultimately will satisfy end user demand and expectations. The vision of NGMN is to provide impactful industry guidance to achieve innovative, sustainable and affordable mobile telecommunication services for the end user with a particular focus on Mastering the Route to Disaggregation / Operating Disaggregated Networks, Green Future Networks and 6G, whilst continuing to support 5G’s full implementation.
NGMN seeks to incorporate the views of all interested stakeholders in the telecommunications industry and is open to three categories of participants/NGMN Partners: Mobile Network Operators (Members), vendors, software companies and other industry players (Contributors), as well as research institutes (Advisors). NGMN invites all parties across the entire value chain to join the Alliance in these important endeavours.